Saturday, April 30, 2016

Green Means Go: Preston's Range Finder 2 Shows You Precisely when You're in Focus

Even though Preston's Light Ranger 2 has been out for a while, we were able to get a demo while at their NAB Booth.

This infrared focus tool uses infrared to measure distances along 16 horizontally arranged detection zones to let focus pullers know exactly what's in focus and what's not via a display on their monitors. The 16 detection zones are represented by bars that light up green when objects are within the depth of field, when in manual mode. Autofocus mode allows users to select which of these bars they want their camera to autofocus to.

The Light Ranger 2 seems like a great solution for those who want to keep their eyes up on their monitors rather than down on a read-out, but seeing as its $10K for the Light Ranger kit (infrared module and graphical overlay box) and $27K for the FI+Z Three kit (HU3 hand unit, a set of Digital Motors, a Micro Force zoom control), this is a rental-only option.

No Film School's complete coverage of NAB 2016 is brought to you by My RØDE Reel, Shutterstock, and Blackmagic Design.

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