Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Motorized Precision's KIRA Gives You Easy Motion Control from an Xbox Controller

The high speed, 6-axis camera robot KIRA is the first product to be released by RED partner Motorized Precision.

Motorized Precision have made a splashy entrance into the gear world with their new motorized control system for cameras, KIRA. The brand new company has partnered with the camera company RED to develop the KIRA as an ultra fast, high speed, 6-axis cinema robot that runs on MP Studio motion control. Now, when we say fast, we mean fast. This baby can fly at 2 meter/second moves, or 4 meter/second moves when on a track.

Motorized Precision set out to make the system as intuitive for users as possible. The robot is controlled by an Xbox Elite controller, which can be used to pan, tilt, roll or move the camera up and down. You'll start to see the product in rental houses this August where they'll be available to rent for an estimated $4,000 per 12-hour day.

No Film School's complete coverage of NAB 2016 is brought to you by My RØDE Reel, Shutterstock, and Blackmagic Design.

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